Data protection and HR analytics are possible


Data protection for an innovative platform start-up

Data protection and HR analytics are possible

FunctionHR's Path to ISO 27001 Certification and Enterprise Market Expansion


In the competitive landscape of modern business, achieving information security certification is often a prerequisite for partnering with Fortune 500 organizations. ISO 27001, the globally recognized standard for information security management systems, serves as a beacon of trust and assurance for potential partners. FunctionHR, an innovative German HR analytics provider, recognized the paramount importance of ISO 27001 certification early on in its journey to partnering with large enterprises. To meet the goals of ensuring data protection and privacy compliance and preparing for the ISO 27001 audit, functionHR turned to Priverion. This short description details the collaborative effort between functionHR and Priverion, which not only assisted functionHR in documenting its data protection compliance but also set it on a path to secure the coveted ISO 27001 certification.

Challenges and Objectives

FunctionHR's vision to partner with large Fortune 500 organizations was accompanied by significant challenges, particularly in the realm of data protection and security. To be considered a trustworthy partner by these industry giants, functionHR needed to have robust information security measures in place. Additionally, the company aspired to tap into the enterprise markets of both Europe and the United States. To address these challenges, functionHR sought Priverion's expertise.

Expertise in SaaS and Compliance

Priverion, with its extensive experience in consulting Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) providers and a proven track record in supporting organizations achieve compliance, was the ideal partner for functionHR. Priverion understands the nuances of data protection and privacy compliance, and this expertise proved invaluable to functionHR's objectives.

One of the initial steps in the collaboration between functionHR and Priverion was to document the company's data protection compliance. Priverion conducted a comprehensive assessment of functionHR's existing data protection measures, identifying areas that required improvement and optimization. Through careful examination of data handling processes, security protocols and privacy practices, Priverion provided actionable insights to ensure functionHR's compliance with relevant regulations and standards.

Negotiating Large Deals

Having a solid foundation of data protection compliance not only enhanced functionHR's credibility but also proved to be instrumental in negotiating large deals. Fortune 500 organizations demand the utmost assurance of data security, and functionHR was now well-prepared to meet these demands. Armed with thorough documentation of their data protection practices, functionHR was able to instill confidence in potential partners and negotiate favorable terms, furthering the company's growth and reach.

Pursuing ISO 27001 Certification

FunctionHR's journey with Priverion was not limited to achieving data protection compliance. Recognizing the significance of ISO 27001 certification, functionHR initiated preparations to obtain this globally recognized certification for its information security management system. Priverion provided guidance and support throughout the certification process, ensuring that FunctionHR met the stringent requirements of ISO 27001.

Results and Impact

With Priverion's assistance, functionHR was well on its way to obtaining ISO 27001 certification. This achievement will not only be a testament to the company's commitment to data security but also a key that opens doors to new markets. functionHR is now positioned to explore and tap into the enterprise market in Europe, where ISO 27001 certification is often a non-negotiable requirement.


The partnership between functionHR and Priverion serves as a compelling example of how expertise in data protection and information security can pave the way for significant business growth. By prioritizing data protection compliance and embarking on the journey to ISO 27001 certification, functionHR has positioned itself as a trustworthy and reliable partner for Fortune 500 organizations. This has not only enhanced functionHR's ability to negotiate large deals but has also created opportunities for market expansion in Europe.

As businesses continue to recognize the paramount importance of information security and compliance, functionHR's journey stands as a beacon of inspiration, showcasing the transformational power of partnership and expert guidance in the ever-evolving landscape of data protection and enterprise markets. Through their commitment to security and Priverion's continued support, functionHR is well on its way to achieving its goals and unlocking new horizons for business growth.

"FunctionHR's journey with Priverion exemplifies how expertise in data protection and ISO 27001 certification can drive business expansion. Together, we transformed data security into a competitive advantage, empowering functionHR to tap into new enterprise markets with confidence and trust."

CEO, functionHR GmbH

Customer reviews

“Priverion made it possible to standardize our global privacy efforts over our different local organizations and drive efficient marketing solutions.”

Sunstar Group — Digital Transformation Strategy & Services

"Mit Hilfe von Priverion hat sich Careerfairy als vertrauenswürdige und konforme Plattform etabliert. Sie haben unseren Verkaufsprozess optimiert, und die Einhaltung des Datenschutzes sichergestellt. Der Erfolg unserer Partnerschaft unterstreicht die Bedeutung der Priorisierung von Datenschutz und Transparenz mit Experten wie Priverion."

Careerfairy AG — CEO

"Die Zusammenarbeit von FunctionHR mit Priverion zeigt, wie Fachwissen im Datenschutz und die ISO 27001-Zertifizierung die Geschäftsexpansion vorantreiben können. Gemeinsam haben wir die Datensicherheit in einen Wettbewerbsvorteil verwandelt, der es FunctionHR ermöglicht, mit Vertrauen und Zuversicht in neue Märkte vorzudringen."

functionHR GmbH — CEO

"Priverion hat es uns ermöglicht, die angemessenen Datenschutzrichtlinien für unseren Gesundheitssektor umzusetzen. Ihre Expertise unterstütz uns, unserer Verpflichtung zu Datensicherheit und Compliance gerecht zu werden."

openmedical AG — Product Management